Friday, November 6, 2009

.TK Free Domain Name

You can get unlimted number of free .tk domain name here. Initially there were many ads with this domain name but not now. Dot TK's users can keep their .TK domain name indefinitely, as long as they receive at least 25 hits on their website every 90 days. About 9.5 million domain names have been registered with the Dot TK Registry since the service was launched.

Dot TK has seen a significant increase in activity on all their .TK websites in the last three months as users can now refer visitors to each others' sites using TiKinet. TiKinet is the network of Dot TK domains and it links sites to other sites with similar content - using non-commercial text links - resulting in increased visitor traffic. With Dot TK 3.0 each Dot TK user is free to choose whether to have their domains included in TiKinet.

Dot TK derives revenue from paid domain name registrations and advertising. "We are not afraid to see a reduction in advertising revenue. By providing an opt-out model for the commercial ads on a Dot TK website, we know that not everyone will disable them," Zuurbier continues. "Also some heavy users, websites with many visitors a month, will not be able to remove the commercial ads entirely. However, they will have an option to limit the commercial ad space on their website." You can get it from

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